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Send ASCII File

The ability to send any text file to a remote computer or device over a serial port connection is another feature of Advanced Serial Port Terminal. The remote host is responsible for handling the file after it is sent.

Follow these steps to send an ASCII file over a COM port connection:

  1. Select "File" –> "New session" from the main menu.

  2. Modify the connection settings to coincide with the settings of the remote serial port.

  3. Click "Open" button.

  4. Select "File" –> "Open port" which opens the local port if it is not yet open. Open port

  5. Click the "Send ASCII file" button on the toolbar. Send ASCII file
  6. The "Open" dialog will be invoked allowing you to choose the ASCII file to transmit. Choose the ASCII file

  7. Finally, click the "Open" button.
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#1 at Communication Application
Advanced Serial Port Terminal
Provide flexible serial data transmission
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